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Mahurangi College
Events at this venue
Careers Evening
Mahurangi College Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, AucklandA Careers Expo with representatives from universities, Te Pukenga, private training providers and local providers.
Careers Evening
Mahurangi College Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, AucklandAn opportunity for students, parents, whanau, our community to meet with universities, tertiary providers and local employers and explore career pathways.
Mahurangi College Future Pathways Evening
Mahurangi College Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, AucklandCareers Expo being held at Mahurangi College.
Mahurangi College Careers Expo 2021
Mahurangi College Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, AucklandAn opportunity for universities and tertiary establishments to engage with college students. Includes Junior students Years 9-10, Senior student Years 11-13, Parents, Employers, Teachers